Time to write something about my project as a volunteer. I am working as a volunteer at the organization Patronato San Jose which has different departments around Quito. I work in Casa de los Niñez, Casa Metro Jovenes and Circo de Luz. Normally you just have one project but because I did not feel like I could help a lot at my main project Casa Metro Jovenes, I tried to help in other projects as well, where they needed even more help. So these are the 3 projects I am working at:
Casa de los Niñez
In this project we work with children whose parents work on the street and we provide food, education, games etc. for the children. I mostly work with the small ones who are 4-5 years old but it depends on the day. All the children are really cute but they can be difficult to handle sometimes especially when I also have to speak in Spanish while trying to stop their fights. I also work as a dance teacher for all children, because every Friday all 100-200 children dance together and I tried to teach them some hip hop. I wish I could share some photos of me and all the children, so you could see cute they are.
Casa Metro Jovenes
This project is a house for young people that offers different kinds of workshops like English, Sports and Arts. Here I help with the English classes and anything else they need help with, but most of them are older than me and know how to control themselves unlike the children, so there is not as much to help with as at Casa de los Niñez :)
Circo de Luz
The organization also offer a circus for young people. Here they learn how to do acrobatics, lifts, juggling and many more circus tricks. It’s mainly for the young people who is not going to school and I just help where I can since I’m not the biggest circus artist, the only thing I can do is some acrobatics and dancing. In the circus I also learn a lot of tricks myself and it is always very fun.
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